
Gosie Vervloessem, Jubelfeestlaan 118, 1080 Brussels, 20/02/1973,


1992-1997: Master in Social Pedagogy, KUL Leuven, BE
1997-2002: Master in Audiovisual Arts, Sint Lukas Brussels, Be
2013-2014: Postmaster A.pass – Advanced performance and scenography studies, Brussels, Be


2021 – … : artistic team wpZimmer, Antwerpen, Be
2021 – …. : Tutor at Erg (Ecole de Recherche et Graphique) atelier Animation
2022- … : Assistant at Erg atelier Performance and Installation (Ecole de Recherche et Graphique)

Residencies (R), workshops (W), work-sessions (Ws), courses (c)


  • Research Center A.pass, Brussels, Be (c)
  • Middelheim Museum, Antwerpen, Be (R)


  • Research Center A.pass, Brussels, Be (c)
  • Middelheim Museum, Antwerpen, Be (R)


  • Bunker Ljubljana (Ws)
  • wpZimmer, Antwerpen, Be(R)
  • Oracle residency, nomadic, Be (R)


  • Stadslab Vooruit, Gent, BE (R)
  • “Horror and Antropocene”, wpZimmer, Antwerp, BE (co-organiser) (R)
  • workspacebrussels, Brussels, BE (R)
  • “Ghosts”, wpZimmer, Antwerp, BE (R)
  • Inauguration of the collective work-group ‘Within Others’, workspacebrussels, Brussels, BE (WS)


  • workspacebrussels, Brussels, BE (R)
  • Hevergardi/Hofn, IS (R)
  • Sprinter Residency, Timelab, Gent, BE (R)
  • The Horror Garden, A.pass, Brussels, BE (W)


  • Re-invent the Party, Arc, Rômainmotier, CH (co-organiser) (R)
  • The Spring Thing, Arc, Rômainmotier, CH (co-organiser) (R)
  • Writers-society Hevergardi, IS (R)
  • Vision and Digestion, A.pass, Brussels, BE (W)
  • This book is Yours, recipes for artistic collaboration, Arc, Rômainmotier, CH (co-editor)
  • De School Van Gaasbeek, Gaasbeek, BE (R)


  • “NOW-network”, Indisciplinarte, Terni, IT and Fabbrica Europa, Florence, IT (WS)
  • workspacebrussels, in collaboration with Frances Adair McKenzie, Brussels, BE (R)
  • “Maria gaat naar school” in collaboration with Maria Jerez, Buda, Kortrijk, BE (R, WS)
  • “The Table and the Territory” – Summer Lab, Imagine 2020, organised by COAL, Paris, FR


  • Lokal, Reykjavik and Akureyri, IS (R)
  • MoM and El Vivero, Barcelona, SP (R)
  • Arc, Rômainmotier, CH (R)
  • NOW-artists, Fabbrica Europa Festival, Florence, IT (R)
  • NOW-network, Reykjavik, IS and Cagliari, IT (WS)
  • “Reinvent the Residency 3”, Arc, Rômainmotier, CH (R)
  • “Herbarium Participative”, Arc, Rômainmotier, CH (coordinator) (R)
  • “Culture of Permanence”, Arc, Rômainmotier, CH (coordinator) (R)
  • Cursus Natuurgids, Natuurpunt Flanders


  • “Reinvent the Residency 2”, Arc, Rômainmotier, CH (R)
  • NOW network, wpZimmer, Antwerp, BE and Indisciplinarte, Terni, IT (WS
  •  “Reinvent the Residency 1”, Arc, Rômainmotier, CH (R)
  • De Pianofabriek, Brussels, BE (R)
  • Les Bains:Connective, Brussels, BE (R)


  • ACOSS, Yerevan, AM (R)
  • Recyclart, Brussels, BE (R)
  • Springcamp/Timelab, Gent, BE (R)
  • Free Studies Geology, UGent, BE (C)
  •  Introduction to Solid State Chemistry, MIT, US (C) presentations



  • The Pleasure Garden, Middelheim Museum, Antwerpen, Be


  • The True Nature of Brussels, Feral/Cifas, Brussels, Be; Out of Sight, Antwerpen, Be; Volksroom, Brussels, Be; KVS, Brussels, Be; Bxl2030, Brussels, Be; Tour ‘n Taxis Peepshow, Brussels, Be


  • Forensic Plant Lab, wpZimmer, Antwerpen; Bunker, Ljubljana, SLO


  • The Horror Garden, Out of Sight, Antwerp, BE
  • The Sick Detective, PAP, Berlin, DE; KULeuven, Leuven, BE; Vooruit, Gent, BE
  • Alas the heart is not a plant – Grand Reunion (online publication)


  • The Nature of (workshop, performance), Hvergardi and Hofn, IS
  • The Cave, the stomach and the oven, storytelling from the gut, Matera, IT
  • The Horror Garden, ERG (Brussels), De Pianofabriek (Brussels) Breughel Feast of Fools, Kasteel Van Gaasbeek; Working Title Festival, Brussels; De lustwarande, tilburg, BE
  • Recipes for Disaster, workspacebrussels, Beursschouwburg, Atelier 210, Brussels, BE


  • The Horror Garden, CC Strombeek, De School Van Gaasbeek, De Grote post, oostende, BE
  •  Il cielo en una stanza, Progetto Corale, Preci, IT
  • The Hush Hush of the Bush – Open House wpZimmer, Antwerp, BE
  • Recipes for Disaster, Club Solo, Breda, NL
  • Sprouting (installation), Buda, Kortrijk, BE
  • Mini micro macro (workshop/presentation) realised within CC Ten Weyngaert, presented in schools in Brussels, BE
  • Deep Space Navigation (workshop/presentation) University Plymouth, UK; Luca School of Arts, Brussels, BE
  • The Taste of Hveragerdi – Hveragerdi Bonus, IS


  • A Matter of Animated Mountain, Working Title Situation, Brussels, BE; Phenomena Festival, Montreal, C
  •  Half A House (collaborative project), Fabbrica Europa, Florence, IT
  • Recipes for Disaster, Working Title Situation, Beursschouwburg, Brussels, BE; De Vriend Van Bavink, Amsterdam, NL; Open House wpZimmer, Antwerp, BE; Fabbrica Europa, Florence, IT; Arc, Romainmotier, CH; Ramsalt, Bergen, NO


– Recipes for Disaster, FMDO, Brussels, BE; Adarps, Brussels, BE; Everybody’s Spectacular, Reykjavik, IS; Ah! Performance Festival, Akureyri, IS; Bildnis, Oostende, BE; Vrijstaat O, Oostende, BE; BlackBox, Farnham, UK

  • Greetings from Nagasaki, Bioterrorist Recipe II (installation, open studio, lecture-performance), workspacebrussels, Brussels, BE; Arc, Rômainmotier, CH
  • Milky Way (performance/workshop), CC De Linde, Haren, BE; CC Ten Weyngaert, Vorst, BE
  • Domestic Science Club (workshop), CC Elzenhof, Elsene, BE


  • Milky Way, CC Nekkersdal, Laken; CC Elzenhof, Elsene; CC De Rinck, Anderlecht; CC De Kroon, Sint Agatha-Berchem, BE
  • A PostPasteurian World, Mad Scientist Festival, Bern, CH; Leherzimmer, Bern, CH; Blackout Festival, Aufstellungsraum Klingenthal, Basel, CH; Arc, Rômainmotier, CH; MUHKA, Antwerp, BE
  • Big Fat Failed Beginnings, Villanella, Antwerp, BE; Vrijstaat O, Oostende, BE
  • Recipes for Disaster, Recyclart, Brussels; A.Pass, Brussels; workspacebrussels, Brussels; Beursschouwburg, Brussels, BE


  • Big Fat Failed Beginnings, Storm op Komst, Turnhout, BE
  • Recipes for Disaster, Midzomer, Leuven, BE; Hulpgevangenis, Leuven, BE; Cult 2016, Antwerp, BE; LesBains::Connective, Vorst, BE


  • Big Fat Failed Beginnings, Festival International Belluard Bollwerk, Fribourg, SW
  • Neomaïzena (in collaboration with Einat Tuchman), Beursschouwburg, Brussels, BE


  • Domestic Science Shop, Recyclart, Brussels, BE
  • Recipes for Disaster, Pianofabriek, Brussels, BE; Point Blank – Mikser Festival, Belgrade, RS
  • The Motherland, Recyclart, Brussels, BE


  • The Digging Project (in collaboration with Kosi Hidama), Festival Belluard Bollwerk, Fribourg, CH2010
  • Safe and Simple Electrical Experiments, Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, NL; Buda, Kortrijk, BE; Les Bains: Connective, Brussels, BE; De Pianofabriek, Brussels, BE; Open House, wpZimmer, Antwerp, BE
  • Gravity (in collaboration with David Elchardus), Medialab Prado, Madrid, SP; Recyclart, Brussels, BE


  • Maïzena (in collaboration with Einat Tuchman), Dock 11, Berlin, DE; Dommelhof, Neerpelt, BE, De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, NL; Gynaika, Antwerp, BE
  • Safe and Simple Electrical Experiments, Recyclart, Brussels, BE; Living room festival, Brussels, BE


  • Everything seems so logic, Dommelhof, Neerpelt, BE; De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, NL 
  • The Volcano Project, STUK, Leuven, BE; CC Genk, De Queeste, Genk, BE
  • Anytime/How to make your own Clouds, Kaaitheater, Brussels, BE


  •  Eetbaar Amsterdam (in collaboration with Irma Firma), Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, NL; Dasarts, Amsterdam, NL


  • How to make your own Dead Sea?, TOR, Genk, BE; deSingel, Antwerp, BE


  • Anytime/How to make your own clouds?, Beursschouwburg, Brussels, BE
  • Performer in Showdance by Alexandra Bachtzetsis
  • Performer in Best Off by Alexandra Bachtzetsis and Anath Steinberg

2019 – Flemish Authorities, Research funding: Sunshine is calling
2017 – Flemish Authorities, Research funding: Invasive species
2015 – Flemish Authorities, Project funding: Recipes for Disaster
2014 – Flemish Authorities, Project funding: Ruelles/Recipes for Disaster/The Marketstand
2013 – Flemish Authorities, Project funding: Neo-Maïzena
2012 – Flemish Authorities, Project funding: Domestic Science Shop
2010 – Flemish Authorities, Research funding: Private Geology
2009 – Flemish Authorities, Project funding: Maïzena


